Vouwmachine – Eurofold 235

Production Multigraf, Switzerland. This is one of the latest Eurofold models.
Working format 35 × 55 cm. Standard columns „Z” „C” „half” „on four” etc.
Counter with control i.e. packet countdown, total counter, individual sheets, setting feeding time, delay etc.
Becker compressor.Smooth speed control.
Soundproofing cassettes.

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Vouwmachine – Eurofold 235

Production Multigraf, Switzerland. This is one of the latest Eurofold models.
Working format 35 × 55 cm. Standard columns „Z” „C” „half” „on four” etc.
Counter with control i.e. packet countdown, total counter, individual sheets, setting feeding time, delay etc.
Becker compressor.Smooth speed control.
Soundproofing cassettes.